Nyah is my favorite pullip doll and has captured my heart the very first time I saw her. Hence, after doing my research, I didn't mind paying her sky-rocketed price. Her face really differs from the other girls, specifically her eyes. Though she may not be the most photogenic of them all, I think she is very cute and possesses a glow no other pullip doll has! She is my most behaved and has traveled with me to the Philippines just recently. Nyah will always have a special place in my heart.
Micah is new to the family. I rewigged her hair to something shorter in which, I think she looks so much better now rather than in her stocked, long, maroon, and curly hair. I like her make-up... soft and simple on her skin. Most of her pictures seem to get a whole lot of attention and positive compliments from viewers. She's a pretty doll, I must say.
Her name is Aika. It isn't all about the hair or hair color. This doll's big brown and sparkling eyes... oh, and her glossly lips simply caught my attention. Any angles of this doll will produce beautiful pictures and that's how photogenic she is! One more thing, she likes to dance!
Sumi is a very popular pullip doll and is adored by so many! Her innocent eyes and inevietable charm is what makes her shine. In fact, she was adopted from my sister-in-law, Sherilyn. Sumi, by the way, has a twin sister who currently lives in the Philippines. Someday, they will eventually re-unite.
Lexie is the newest member to the family. Out of these five dolls, I found it hard taking pictures of her. This pullip actually looks better in person than in pictures. She has very soft long and brown hair that feels so real! The hubby thought this doll was pretty when he first saw her picture on the internet. I have wanting her since early this year, but because she is also pricy, it took me awhile to get her, and now that she is here, we're happy!